Friday, December 30, 2011
Looking for idea's for 2012
Thursday, December 29, 2011
tony@work: Let's all protest on FaceBook
Thursday, December 22, 2011
budget cuts and free Wifi
Another dumb article
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
tony@work: Christmas time is here (or been here) once again
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tony's new Blog
Tony's new Blog
Well, this is just dandy
One thing that I am doing, is honestly treating this whole project as a 8-5 job, which means getting up BEFORE work, getting coffee in me, getting dressed, and showing up at the desk by 8AM. I hope that by doing this, that I can create a momentum to be more successful at this, and start earning more money.
Between the Google Ad Sense, driving traffic to my site, posting links on every forum i can fin on a particular subject, and selling things on E-bay, that I should be pretty busy the next few months, as I build up my online presence, ans start generating more income. One of the ultimate goals of this project, is to get to the point where Teri can quit working altogether, and just live off the income that I make. How cool would that be ? It would be like a thousand Christmas days all rolled up into one.
be sure to leave comments, and any idea's for subject matter, in the comments section.
Thanks for reading, Theron
Monday, December 19, 2011
New desk
Finally got some of the things i needed to get this office up and running. We got the desk setup last night, after much work, and moving things around. Jody was a tremendous help in moving things and setting up, ince my back was out Sunday night. This morning I moved the computer to the desk, and fought with the wireless interface device, until I finally said to heck with t, and just dragged the LAN cable in and hooked up that way. Next is set up a Shortwave radio with a small antenna, so I can listen to it while I work. Thank you so much Teri as well, for riding along with me, all the way to sequim, and back. Very good company.
Life is good....
Saturday, December 17, 2011
the joys of living in Joyce
Life is good....
Teri is in the kitchen making dinner, and we are chatting on the phone at the same time. it is like she is in the same room as me. We do tend to get a bit silly out here, but we have a lot of fun. What a joy it is to have her in mylife.....Never met anyone that could get as silly as me.
Life is good
blah blah blah
BLAH blah BLAH Ham radio Blah blah blah selling stuff on E-bay BLAH blah BLAH made homebrew beer BLAH blah BLAH teri is a sweetheart BLAH blah BLAH
That should just about cover everything for the weekend. have a good one, Theron
As some of you probably already know, I have been selling a lot of my excess items on E-bay. This has been a profitable adventure so far, with a few hidden surprises. Their is a learning curve to seeling your items, as I have found out the hard way. I have been doing OK though, and have not received any negative feedback. And, I have made some extra money, just in time for christmas. Next month we should be ahead of the game, and not be in the red anymore. As of this writing, we have made close to 400 hundred dollars. How is that for a part time income ? Of course, after the price of shipping, and materials, that number is probably closer to 300 dollars, it still isnt bad. You have to keep in mind that once you pay out for the shipping materials, like bubble wrap, shipping, gas, time, printer costs, shipping sleeve and other items, you can actually start getting ahead of the game.
if anyone has any questions, or are interested in listing an item on E-bay, be sure to let me know, and maybe we can work out some sort of a deal. I can be found on E-bay as theronatwork, so be sure to take a look at some of the items I have on their, and read my feedback.
Thanks for reading, Theron
Friday, December 16, 2011
test post number 2
Well, let's see if this program works now, since i reset all the settings for BlogSpot. I have been trying to configure Blogilo, and offline blooging program, to interface with BlogSpot the last few days. For some reason, it works the first time I set it up, and after being restarted, it gives me error messages stating that it couldnt post to my blog, even though all the settings are correct. it wasnt working the last few times, then magically started working for some odd reason.
Gotta love linux......
Blogilo and BlogPost
Well, it would seem that they still havent worked out all the bugs on my favorite offline blogger program, Blogilo. I had all the settings setup correctly, and after working out a few bugs, had it posting like a champ. Now today, it gives me all sorts of errors saying to check my internet connection, and cannot find regexpid, over and over again, even though ALL the settings are the same as yesterday. really strange.
Christmas and Homebrew beer -- Life is good
Well, here we are coming up on the weekend, and i am going crazy, waiting for christmas eve so we can crack open the homebrewand try it out. We took samples last night, from a bottle above the stove, and it was really good. Still had a real light sugary taste to it, and just a bit cloudy, but by next weekend it should be great, and just in time for Christmas Eve. We will have to really set the mood just right, with candles and a small fire in the fireplace, and then just sit back, relax and sip on our first succesful homebrew
I almost feel like a little kid again, waiting for santa to come down the chimney.
The other exciting bit, is that i was able to get Teri a really nice present this year, something she wanted, and will really enjoy. i am so excited, I dont know if i will be able to wait till christmas to give it to her. This is goin to be a good christmas. Even if we dont have a lot of money, and fancy gifts, we have each other, and a roof over our heads, and full bellies. thank you Lord for the great gifts YOU have given us this Holiday season.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
HomeBrew beer
As some of you know, i have been attempting to homebrew
my own beer for the last year now. Most of the time, it has been so god awful of a brew, that it couldnt be drank, and had to be poured out. I have altered the recipes with each batch, and made changes, some good, some not.
It originally comes in a kit, with a little plastic keg, and the ingredients needed to mix in. I have gone from this simple method, to adding a second stage of brewing, in a 5 gallon glass jar, with an airlock on top. have also purchased a hydrometer, so I can make measurements of the ABV% in each stage. I switched to a 2 stage brewing process, but was still getting just too much sugar in the mix. This last batch, i didnt add any sugar to the batch when it was bottled, and it is the best one so far. it has a light golden color to it, with a decent taste. the other change I made was where it was being stored. I was putting the keg's under the bathroom sink for a while, then switched to under the kitchen sink. It was just getting too cold in the bathroom for things to ferment properly. This last batch, i actually put the bottles above the stove, and this is the best one yet. That confirms that the major thing that was wrong was that it was just too cold for the sugars to ferment, leaving a sugary/ sweet taste to the beers, even after the yeast was done processing.
I am SO excited to try this batch, and plan on putting it in the fridge in a week, so we can have it ready for christmas.
For more information on Homebrewing your own beer, be sure to put this guide! on your christmas list.
thanks for reading, Theron
Slackware linux and power outages
After the power outage we had a few weeks ago, I have been trying in despair to get my Slackware computer back up and running properly. Apparently, Slackware Linux does not like being shut off in the middle of accessing the file system, and gets really pissy butt about the whole thing. I can still get into the computer, and access the Desktop (KDE), but after several hours, the system crashes, and I lose all mouse & keyboard functions. At that point, the only thing left to do is shut it off with the power button on the front of the computer, and start all over again. very frustrating.
Since that time, I have been using my Debian Linux box, and after upgrading the memory up to 1.5G from 512MB, it has been very responsive, and slowly turning into my main computer system that I use on a regular basis. I have to say, that I like the file system on debian linux, and the updating is easy as well. i may just have to become a convert, and just start using the debain box. I have always liked the "apt-get" system of doing updates/ upgrades, as long as the computer is pointed at the correct repositories, it is almost automatic. Their are also ton's of software that can be used for whatever purpose you need, including blogging.
Well, that is about all i have fror you tonite, since my sweety is home and in dire need of my attention. When she gets home it becomes "Happy Hour" here at the old homestead. So thanks for reading this, and I look forward to your comments as this Blog progresses. Theron
Everything i ever wanted to know about kindergarten, i learned in life
Once upon a time, before scholars, and smarter people than me, started writing about their thoughts and idea's, there once was a train of thought that a person was born with a certain talent,whatever that may be. From the time, in early childhood, when they picked up a pencil, quill or brush, everything that was spewed forth was golden, magically appearing on the pages as the mind flowed continuously (A bit much?) with every ounce of golden text it could muster, until at the end, laying across the desk exhausted, chest heaving, mind swirling in a drunken stupor, they had created the perfect document.
But seriously, we have been brought up our entire lives, to believe this sort of idea, that somehow, as we stumble thru our day to day existence, that we will one day have an epiphany, and without any effort, find our talent, and start producing endless ideas and concepts and art, without any effort. isn’t that tragic ?
I was having a discussion with my son Tony, just the other day about this very concept, and he had mentioned that he had not found his talent in life yet. I was astounded at the idea of this. As I thought back, I wondered myself, just what was my talent ? What was my calling ? I have many things that interest me, lots of things I enjoy, and yet, I had not cultivated any of them into a usable method of creating, that I could share with the world. I assume that this Blog is a result of that line of thought, so to pay credit where credit is due, I would have to thank tony for planting this idea, and helping me to find a creative outlet that i could use to express myself, and place my wrath upon the world, for future generations to scoff at, so THANKS A LOT TONY!!! But really....
As I sit back on this day, and wonder just what the heck I am going to write (Type) about today, that could possibly be useful to someone, somewhere, that conversation with my son came to mind, and I wondered, what a blog article about writing blog articles written as a blog article might look like. OK redundancy filter just went off on my computer.... As I though back on my life, I wondered just what was my talent, my purpose, my "gift" per se. I have always been good in the artistic sense, but never quite to the point that I created a masterpiece on the first run. But, had I really ever cultivated any of these talents, to really get good at one. I never was a child genius (insert big word here), although I was reading the newspaper by the time I hit Kindergarten (see the relevance to the title ?). I have always thought that maybe, for some unknown reason, I had missed the turnoff, and stumbled into the unknown, blowing brain cells out the open window all the way, like little silver bubbles, making delicate little popping sounds as they went thru.
Oh, just to change the subject, in that last paragraph i had placed a bracket reserved for a really big word, i think that word is "Prodigy", so go ahead and mark your spot, and insert it in their now. Go ahead, i will wait........
Ok, ya got it ? Good job, thank you.
I hate it when my mind wanders like that and i cant keep a straight thought in my head. it is really racing now, so i think the juices are starting to flow now. I could write about farts for a few paragraphs, if that helps, and would hold interest more. or how my buttocks seem to be getting flatter as I sit in this chair, typing all this out. Or we could do a survey on whether your poop floats or not. But really, what is the point to all this ?
The point is, just get out there, find something that works for you, and start doing it. You are never going to be good at anything until you start doing it, repetitively, over and over again, until your eyes cross. That is what I am doing, and the result is what your reading, so see, it works. Unless of course i'm getting worse at this. Off on another "Bunny trail(TM)"